Modern Root Canal Therapy
Root canals are needed when the section of the tooth that contains blood vessels, nerve tissues and pulp (cells) are infected or have experienced trauma, causing the nerve to die.
When the root canal of the tooth becomes inflamed from bacteria slipping inside, you may need a root canal treatment (RCT) to resolve the issue and get your tooth back into good oral standing.
Dr. Joe Nguyen is experienced in Root Canal Therapy and is happy to help you!
Root canal therapy (also known as endodontic therapy) is the dental process of removing tooth infection or decay from within the canals of the tooth.
Root canal surgery involves removing everything inside the root canal and then giving the patient root canal filling to prevent future infections.
During a root canal treatment session, a dentist will ensure that all of the bacteria is removed and that the region is disinfected in order to reduce the risk of future infections. The dentist will then fill the empty root and seal off the area.
Some of the most obvious signs/symptoms of needing root canal treatment include:
Chronic tooth pain.
Tooth sensitivity to either cold or hot foods.
Discoloration of the tooth.
Inflamed gums.
Eating is painful.
Touching the tooth is painful.
Your tooth feels loose.
Of course, all of these symptoms may also indicate another dental issue so it’s important to visit Dr. Joe Nguyen at The Wobbly Tooth in Frederick, Maryland if you experience any of these symptoms.
Some of the benefits of receiving root canal treatments include:
You get to save your natural tooth.
You can enjoy pain-free eating again.
Your dental health is improved.
Your overall health is improved (dental health issues may lead to other health issues, which is why it’s so important to deal with dental issues right away).
Root canal therapy has a relatively short recovery period.